Student Solution


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M3 Quiz

M3 Quiz

Q 1. In a world of scarcity, options were limited, and getting heard often sufficed to get marketers and their messages in front of the consumers. This type of marketing strategy uses which of the two strategies below? 2. In the world of platforms, rapid, scalable, and sustainable user growth is most often achieved through pull processes. 3. Why shouldn’t incumbent companies with huge existing customer bases take over the world of platforms? 4. YouTube was the first democratic (anyone can upload) video hosting platform to gain mainstream traction. It did this by focusing entirely on: 5. When Google launched its Android smartphone operating system, if offered $5 million in prizes to developers who came up with the best apps in each of ten different categories. Which of the following strategies best explains Google’s move?

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1. Push 2. True 3. Large enterprises have established strategic and operative procedures that make them slow to respond to new changes in the markets. 4. Content creators 5. The seeding strategy